Cell Phone Recycling
There are tens of millions of students attending colleges and universities and almost all of them have a cell phone. In fact most of them have more than one. Is there a way for a enterprising student to turn this into a profitable opportunity and recycle cell phones of fellow students? Some college have recyling programs which may or may not include the recycling of old cell phones. If your college does not include cell phones as part of their recycling effort see if you can start such a program. The average college student replaces their cell phone more often than the general population. You need to be creative in getting people to part with their old cell phones. Appeal to students desires to protect the environment by announcing in the student newspaper or by putting up flyers around campus that they can drop off their old cell phones at certain locations. There might be groups on campus willing to split the proceeds with you regarding a cell phone recycling program. Can you imagine your potential profit from such a endevour. Getting students to collect cell phones for you is a dream come true. There are a few tricks of the trade put the profit potential is enourmous if done correctly. Learn how to do recycle cell phones properly and you can write your own ticket.
Cell Phone Recycling
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